Friday, December 23, 2016

Happy holidays and end of 2016!

In a spare moment, don't forget the wonderful after school enrichments Promises will have starting in January: Balls of Fun (with Mr. Will & Ms. Lori) and Pirates & Mermaids (through SPARC). You may sign up for the SPARC class now using the following link - Acting Up with SPARC!  .  For Balls of Fun you may register at Promises the first week of January.

Registration for 2017/2018 will begin on JAN 2 for current families & church families.  Be sure to take advantage of the "early registration discount".  Also remember to send friends our way who are looking for preschool. A referral will earn you a complimentary Lunch Bunch!

Below is the adorable photo from our Christmas program! May you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!