Thursday, April 9, 2020

As we all stay safely home during this time of "social distancing", please know that the staff are thinking of you and your children often and keeping you in our prayers.  I will try to upload some special books and songs the teachers have been sharing on the Facebook page.  This will allow those of you not on Facebook to enjoy them, too!  Please stay safe and enjoy the upcoming Easter holiday!

Blessings and Peace,
Ms. Lois

Monday, October 21, 2019

This year 8 ethnic backgrounds are represented in our Promises Preschool community. We are learning we are all God's children worthy of kindness and respect.

What a wonderful start to the preschool year! Our playground got a "face-lift" over the summer. So much fun to have learning outdoors and indoors!

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Yesterday's Lunch With the Teachers was fun for the staff and their "dates"!  The ice cream sandwiches were a hit with these two!

Field Day With Dad was a big success! "Thank you" to all the dads and granddads who joined us!

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

This year's After School Enrichment Classes included Little Kicks, Christmas Blessings, Balls of Fun and Fitness and the Spring Blessings Class! The Spring Blessings participants are very proud of their Easter artwork!

During our "International Week", we loved learning about all the places around the globe that our Promises' families come from! It is so important to learn to value and care for one another and
that we are all God's children!