Thursday, September 26, 2013

The children have really enjoyed starting Music Class and Chapel this week! Be sure to ask your child about Max, the preschool church mouse.  Max helps us learn about God's love and is very excited to have everyone back for weekly Chapel visits.  

Kerri Palmer

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

This school year, Promises Preschool is collecting soda pop tabs for the Ronald McDonald House.  The recycling of pop tabs is one of the largest fundraisers for the Ronald McDonald House each year.  There is a pop tab collection jar on the preschool sign-out table.  Pop tabs can be collected from soda cans, soup cans, vegetable cans, etc..  We will deliver the pop tabs to the Ronald McDonald House once per month.  Thank you in advance for helping with this easy outreach program!

Kerri Palmer

Monday, September 23, 2013

The 3 year old and prekindergarten classes have all enjoyed meeting Al and his friends Keisha and Ty.   Please visit the Al's Pals website for more information about the Al's Pals: Kids Making Healthy Choices

Kerri Palmer

Thursday, September 19, 2013

The 3 year old and pre-kindergarten classes have started using the Handwriting Without Tears curriculum.  The students in both programs are using the big and little sticks and curves for letter formation and the pre-kindergarteners have been introduced to Mat Man.  Please use the Handwriting Without Tears link for more information.

Kerri Palmer  

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Susan Brown, from Commonwealth Parenting, will present a class on Kindergarten Readiness and Play-based Learning at Promises Preschool on Monday, September 30th at 9:00am.  This class is free for Promises families and $30 for outside guests.
Kerri Palmer

Monday, September 16, 2013

Please join the Promises Parents' Group for Brown Bag Lunches on Tuesday (9/17) and/or Thursday (9/19).  Pack a picnic lunch and enjoy the preschool playgrounds with friends at 12:00 noon on both days.  The weather should be beautiful!

Kerri Palmer

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Please remember to frequently check the Shutterfly site for your child's classroom.  This is where parents can find important information about activities happening in the classrooms and look at wonderful pictures from the school day.

Kerri Palmer

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Please check your child's school bag today for important information about Carpool Line and After School Enrichment opportunities.  Carpool line begins Monday, September 16th and the After School Enrichment programs begin the first week of October.

Kerri Palmer

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Don't forget to order a Promises Preschool t-shirt for your child.  The order forms will be on the sign-out table through Friday, Sept. 13.  T-shirt sizes include all child and adult sizes as well as 2T and 4T.  We are having another great day!

Kerri Palmer

Monday, September 9, 2013

We had a terrific start to the school year today!  Thank you to all of our parents for taking the time to attend Parent Orientation and Open House last week and for following our suggestions for a smooth first day. Your children were excited and confident about being at school!

Kerri Palmer

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

We are looking forward to seeing everyone this week!  Parent Orientation is Thursday, Sept. 5th at 7:00pm.  Open House is Friday, Sept. 6th.  Please refer to your back-to-school letter for your child's assigned Open House time.  It's going to be a great year!

Kerri Palmer