Monday, October 26, 2015

Please join us for a free parenting class "Minimizing Fears in Early Childhood" presented by Susan Brown from Commonwealth Parenting.

Minimizing Fears in Early Childhood

Tuesday October 27th at 7:00 pm

All young children experience fear or anxiety at some time.  These can include separation anxiety, fear of the dark, new people or animals.
There is much that parents can do to help children learn coping skills to overcome fears and to feel more free to explore the world around them.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Join us for a Brown Bag Lunch this Monday (10/19) or Thursday (10/22) at 12:00 noon.  Pack a lunch for you and your child and enjoy the playgrounds with your friends from Promises!

Friday, October 2, 2015

We had a great time in Music and Chapel this week!  Be sure to ask your child about our special friends Ms. Judy (our Music teacher) and Max (our church mouse).