Friday, March 3, 2017


This will be a very busy month at Promises!

- Spring Blessings & Mindfulness after school enrichment classes are ongoing!
- Enrollment for another enrichment class - Kids Golf & Tennis by Sports4Life continues.
      (First class will be on March 28!)
- Parent/teacher conferences will be on March 13.
- A special Irish visitor will help us celebrate St. Patrick's Day.
- A parent seminar "Get Up Off That Thing",  Sunday, March 19 (4 PM) will inspire us all
      to help our children become more active and have stronger core muscle development.
- A parent seminar on Sunday, March 26 will be on helping your child improve fine motor skills.
- Thursday, March 30, will be our Promises Family Fun Event from 4:40-6:00 PM for the whole

Please mark your calendars!

With a warmer than usual February, we have had a lot of fun playing outside! Many "thanks" to the Promises teachers for creating more places to "make music" on the playground!